Hi Ho Hi Ho Trident’s Got to Go
On YouTube a 60’s newsreel.
A black and white Dunoon.
A smartly dressed Ban the Bomber
waves a To Hell with Polaris placard
reminding us that H stands for Hiroshima
as well as Holy Loch.
A lone folkie strums as he marches.
Ban Polaris Hallelujah,
… and send the Yankees home!
The white Ban the Bomb symbol
with arms of despair.
A young well-dressed Michael Foot
behind a well-behaved pipe band
playing Scottishy tunes.
Onlookers record on Box-Brownies.
Fifty years later
a red George Square in Glasgow
casual dressed campaigners
still marching
still protesting.
A forest of placards
pleading Gie Peace a Chance
reminding us it’s Bairns Not Bombs
reminding us it’s Teachers not Trident
just in case it’s been forgotten …
and a song from a marching choir …
It takes your left leg off
It takes your right leg off
Your eyes fall out
and the dust makes you cough!
Saltires and Lion Rampants
flutter in hopeful defiance.
A vendor sells a Freedom Flag for a fiver
as if freedom could be bought so cheaply.
From every corner of the Square
mobile phones flash for posterity.
A lone busker
standing in front of the Cenotaph
plays his out of tune electric guitar
his crackling speaker lashed to a shopping trolley.
Hi Ho Hi Ho, Trident’s got to go
Now Thatcher’s gone
Lets Ban the Bomb
Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho!
We’re stuck in a timeless loop
projected from the past singing,
not knowing who,
if anyone, is listening,
or ever has listened
to a single word being said?
Brian Whittingham
Presently, Tannahill Makar for Renfrewshire. Previously Creative Writing F.E. lecturer @ City of Glasgow College. Had 9 poetry collections published, the most recent WALKING BETWEEN WORLDS, Red Squirrel Press. Other publishers, Luath Press, Mariscat Press, Taranis Press. Fellowships in France and USA. Built the QE2. Previously editor of West Coast magazine and New Writing Scotland. Generally, a good egg.